Estonian fertility treatment specialists conveined a new joint society

In the picture from left: andrologist doctor Kristjan Pomm and senior embryologist in Lääne-Tallinna Keskhaigla Tuuli Dmitrijeva.
Photo: Kadri Unt

In September, the Estonian Society of Fertility Treatment and Embryology was founded, which unites representatives of specialties related to fertility treatment – embryologists, gynecologists, andrologists, nurses and midwives.

The aim of the society is to jointly promote and represent the field of reproductive medicine in Estonia.

The first elected president of the society is senior embryologist in Lääne-Tallinna Keskhaigla Fertility Treatment Centre Tuuli Dmitrijeva. Gynecologists Ailen Aluri and Kai Haldre, with embryology background Karin Rosenstein and andrologist Kristjan Pomm were elected as board members of the society.

Infertility affects every sixth couple in the world and in Estonia. In Estonia, the number of people seeking fertility treatment has increased over the past decades.

“Estonia’s fertility treatment options and the level of clinics dealing with it are very good compared to the rest of the world, and we wish that women and men with fertility problems to have the best possible conditions in Estonia, both in the sense of legal aspect, treatment availability and cross-disciplinary cooperation of infertility-related specialists. We want to have a good partnership with both state institutions and all other organizations involved in fertility treatment,” said Tuuli Dmitrijeva, president of the society.

Meet Lääne-Tallinna Keskhaigla fertility treatment specialists and keep an eye on our social media channels on Instagram and Facebook: @viljatusravikeskus

Book an Appointment by calling: +372 666 5888
